C.L. Wilson Book Giveaway


Sea King CoverI had several books get a little banged up in shipping to/from Readers ‘N ‘Ritas last year, so I’m going to do a giveaway to five winners. Up for grabs: 2 copies of SEA KING, and one each of KING OF SWORD AND SKY, QUEEN OF SONG AND SOULS, and CROWN OF CRYSTAL FLAME. They aren’t horribly damaged, just a little too bent around the edges for me to sell at the Tairen’s Lair.King of Sword and Sky Book

For a chance to win one of these books (which I will sign for you), just (a) join my mailling list (signup is on the homepage of clwilson.com) and (b) comment ON THIS BLOG (located at clwilson.com/blog, not on of the syndicated postings on Facebook, or Amazon, or Goodreads) one of your favorite scenes from one of your favorite books and why you love it.  Doesn’t have to be one of my books 🙂  Flattery will get you everywhere with me, LOL, but I’m going to be doing a random.org drawing to choose the winners.
Queen of Song and Souls Book
PLEASE BE AWARE: if you get selected by random.org, but I can’t find your email on my mailing list, I will pick someone else in your place. Crown of Crystal Flame Book

And just because I still have a lot of books to give away, I’ll also give away five (5) signed copies of THE SEA KING to members of my mailing list, who will be drawn at random.

Got it?  Great…so share the deets about one of your favorite scenes from one of your favorite books, and tell me why you love it so.

I’ll pick winners next Monday.



  on February 4, 2018 :

I’m so excited by this. I’ve never had the pleasure of reading your books (must be living under a rock, huh? Lol) but I saw a list about you on Grace Dravens website and decided to check you out. And lo and behold your doing a give away! Must have been fated, snort 😜. Anywho, I’m looking forward to going through your books and picking a one to start with. I get chills, literally, when I find an author that’s new to me but everyone else says they’re great , especially when Grace Dravens recommends.


  on February 4, 2018 :

Just read my first of your stories! Oh goodness, I want to Read more about Ellie and Rain. On to number 2

Andreea Tantu

  on February 3, 2018 :

Dear C.L,
I just recently finished reading the Tairen Soul series and I fell in love with these books. The world building in all these books is fantastic and all the characters are incredible, even the evil Mage is well developed and hatred for him runs deep.
There’s many favourite scenes so it’s hard to pick just one but couple of ones that stood out for me is when Elysetta is going into the well of souls weaving Ahzaran to save the tairen kittlings. Any scene involving Steli Chakai especially the one where she “learns to knock” when Elysetta and Rain are needing “private time”. The ending of the second book was beautifully done with so many things happening at once, then again all the books were beautifully done. Your writing is superb. Probably one of the best I’ve read.

Thank you for organizing this giveaway. If I win, these books shall be dearly loved, re-read constantly and cherished.


  on February 3, 2018 :

I really like Winter King. My favorite scene would have to be when they went ice skating and they joked that they didn’t think they married cowards.. lol just a humorous moment before a harsh mood. ^_^


  on February 2, 2018 :

I love all your books! I’m an avid reader and it’s hard to think of one particular scene. I love Outlander. The night before Claire and Jamie are married. She gets very inebriated and talks to a fly stuck to her table. It’s hilarious.


  on February 2, 2018 :

I love love love love your tairen soul series, it is one of the most heart breaking and fastenating series I have ever read. My favorite characters and the ones I always cry over are the tragic couple of Adrial and Talisa, Do they at least get to be reborn and together again?


  on February 1, 2018 :

Oops hit post before finishing, I’m not sure I can pick a favorite scene. I just loved reading Kim Harrison’s Hollows series. I think though when Trent and Al had a long overdue understanding with each other in Trent’s spelling room. A couple of my favorite characters you go back and forth on cheering for and wanting to go away.


  on February 1, 2018 :

Would love The Sea King 🤗. Finally getting back to my to be read book pile.

Arianna Allred

  on February 1, 2018 :

One of my favorite scenes in one of my favorite books was actually in Fahrenheit 451 and it’s when Montag out of frustration and anger recites poetry to his wife and her friends and makes the realization that he doesn’t want to lose the knowledge and inspiration that books have to offer. That moment is meant to draw on our human nature to want to be loved and understood; it shows vulnerability and strength and it offers insight into the difference of how people respond to the world around them.

Denese Rumbaugh

  on February 1, 2018 :

All of your scenes in your books are my favorite. Yet I will chose when Ellysetta got hurt and Rain weaved a protection over her and they meet for the first time. The pull of soul mate love was so strong he wanted to fight it but could not. She wanted him but was scared of him. The start of a great love was shown in that scene.

Danielle H Diskey

  on February 1, 2018 :

I loved the scene from The Winter King when they discover Kham’s servant has been ‘doctoring’ her tea. I love the way you write Wynter’s reaction…he’s incredibly angry and hurt and about to get violent…..and then he sees Kham’s reaction, and his anger is immediately redirected. It felt like a very real reaction on both their parts. I just love how your characters feel very authentic in their own settings. 🙂

Megan R.

  on February 1, 2018 :

I’ll give you a few examples of yours that would make the list of my favorites. Rain falling out of the sky to claim Elly. When Elly first sang to the kittlings. The fight while the kittlings were being born. The way that Marissa’s pregnancy became known. Steli “knocking”. Rain and Elly creating the memorial at the battlefield.

Gladys Schuerg

  on February 1, 2018 :

So happy to have discovered your books.

Charlotte thurman

  on January 31, 2018 :

Ver risha kucha kemsar shetan I love all your books hard for me to pick just one line or part I could put them down

Sarah Hall

  on January 31, 2018 :

One of my favorite scenes after Summer used her voice to protect herself & Lily from their attacker and every Calbernan “sharked out” to get to them as fast as possible. To be held that beloved by an entire people. . .

Lori Jester

  on January 31, 2018 :

Love both series. Can’t wait for the next book in each series.


  on January 31, 2018 :

Tairen Soul series is one of my all time favorites. There are a lot of favorite scenes in the series. One of them is when Ellysetta claims to Rain that if only love were enough, their bond would have been completed a thousand times over.

Kimberly Johnson

  on January 31, 2018 :

One of my favorite scenes from a book that I always replay in my mind is from Julia Quinn’s Romancing Mr. Bridgerton. The main female character Penelope is talking to the main male character Colin and she says to him “Do I look a mess?” And he tells her “Yes, but you’re my mess.”

Something about that just makes my heart happy. 😀

Peggy Marts

  on January 31, 2018 :

As a 40+ year romance reader, you are top of my list. I love your books more every year.
I waited just like everyone else with bated breath for Sea King. I can never wait on my Amazon order so I bought it on ebook. When the book comes, I want a pristine copy on my shelf. Instead I got a ripped cover. Got a replacement, it had a bent cover. It was so frustrating!


  on January 31, 2018 :

Your books are definitely among my favorites! I reread them at LEAST twice a year but one of my favorite scenes is when Steli “knocks”. I love any Steli scenes though!