THE SEA KING Release Countdown T -3 Days


Only 3– one, two, THREE!! — more days until THE SEA KING!!  It’s getting close now!!

To celebrate the release, we’re counting down the days with fun and prizes.  Each day, from now until November 1st, drop by to join the celebration and answer the Question of the Day in the current day’s blog comment section to be entered to win.  (For sweepstakes rules and eligibility, click here.)

October 26 Winners

The winners for the October 26 (T-5) drawing are:

  • Autographed copy of THE SEA KING (one winner selected) ~ teresa
  • Autographed copy of THE WINTER KING (one winner selected) ~ Donna Jenks
  • THE WINTER KING & THE SEA KING autographed Collector Cards and bookmarks (3 winners selected) ~ Gina D., Deanna nagle, and Heather Foster
  • A $5 Tairen Bucks coupon, which can be used to purchase any item from The Tairen’s Lair, the online store for official C.L. Wilson merchandise (1 winner selected) ~ Simmi
  • A complete set of signed Tairen Soul series Collector Cards (3 winners selected) ~Erindel Conner, Alayna Payton, and Angela Johnson
  • A C.L. Wilson tote bag (one winner selected) ~ Terry LePage

October 27 Winners

The winners for the October 27 (T-4) drawing are:

  • Autographed copy of THE SEA KING (one winner selected) ~ Reina escobarzelaya
  • Autographed copy of THE WINTER KING (one winner selected) ~ Erica Sandman
  • THE WINTER KING & THE SEA KING autographed Collector Cards and bookmarks (3 winners selected) ~ Miranda Herrmann, Elise K., and Kyla Kreutzer
  • A $5 Tairen Bucks coupon, which can be used to purchase any item from The Tairen’s Lair, the online store for official C.L. Wilson merchandise (1 winner selected) ~ Rachael constant
  • A complete set of signed Tairen Soul series Collector Cards (3 winners selected) ~ Heather, Renee Luna, and Colleen Whitley
  • A C.L. Wilson tote bag (one winner selected) ~ Debbie St.Pierre
  • A Steli-chakai plushy (one winner selected) ~ Danielle

The Current Drawing

From now until 10am, Tuesday, October 31st, stop by the C.L. Wilson blog to answer the Question of the Day (QoD) to be entered to win one of the current drawing’s fabulous prizes and receive a ticket in the Grand Prize drawing.  Each individual QoD you answer gets you another ticket in both the weekly and the Grand Prize prize drawings, so don’t be shy.

You can also comment multiple times a day, just to have fun and be involved, but each participant receives only one ticket in the drawing for each day’s blog post you comment on.  All responses will be tallied after comments close for the final post. The winners will be selected at random from all entries, with all winners of this week’s drawing posted on Tuesday, October 17th.

Today’s Prizes

From now through October 31st, random winners from the eligible pool will be selected daily to win one of the available prizes.  Today’s prizes are:

  • Autographed copy of THE SEA KING (one winner selected)
  • Autographed copy of THE WINTER KING (one winner selected)
  • THE WINTER KING & THE SEA KING autographed Collector Cards and bookmarks (3 winners selected)
  • A $5 Tairen Bucks coupon, which can be used to purchase any item from The Tairen’s Lair, the online store for official C.L. Wilson merchandise (1 winner selected)
  • A complete set of signed Tairen Soul series Collector Cards (3 winners selected)
  • A C.L. Wilson tote bag (one winner selected)

What’s In that Grand Prize?

Two lucky winners will be chosen from all the daily participant tickets accrued throughout the countdown.  (The more you participate, the more tickets you get in the Grand Prize drawing.) Each winner will receive a basket containing the following:

  • Autographed copy of THE SEA KING
  • Autographed copy of THE WINTER KING
  • Autographed copy of ONE ENCHANTED SEASON, the holiday anthology featuring C.L. Wilson’s novella, Upon a Midnight
  • One complete set of autographed C.L. Wilson Collector Cards and bookmarks
  • A $20 Tairen Bucks coupon, which can be used to purchase any item from The Tairen’s Lair, the online store for official C.L. Wilson merchandise
  • Ellysetta Azreisa and Rainier Eras tairen plushies
  • Custom made scented lotion bars, lip balms, and bath salts inspired by the worlds of C.L. Wilson
  • Other trinkets, treats, and goodies that caught my eye

Question of the Day

What is the most beautiful/memorable place you’ve ever been? What made it so special?    

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Linda Townsend

  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

OMG! I can’t just choose one so I’ll name just a few… Peaceful Valley, Co, the Swiss Alps, Fairyland Canyon in Bryce Canyon National Park – all for their beautiful vistas and jaw dropping views!


  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

Labadee, Haiti🌴 It was our first family cruise and the last vacation we got with my husbands grandmother before she declined and eventually passed away. It was magical and can’t wait to return 🦋


  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

Going back and seeing my childhood home, an old civil war type that had secret passage ways etc. It was truly amazing!

Jenny Dorsett

  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

I have to say that Isla Roatan in Honduras is the most beautiful place I have ever been. It was the one of many places we stopped on a cruise with my in-laws but it was the prettiest. That trip was the last vacation with my father in law before he died. I got to know him a lot better and came to understand that even though I married in, he truly loved me like a daughter and that meant the world to me.

Linda Archer

  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

There is a waterfall less than a mile north of my grandparents home that my grandpaw used to take us kids to visit. Besides the natural beauty there a sense of being cut off from the worries of today’s world. The rushing sound of water, beautiful Arkansas fauna & the teaming of land & aquatic life gives a sense of peacefulness that soothes the soul. The waterfall will forever hold a special place in my heart now that I’ve recently (10-21-17) lost my grandpaw. I will always be thankful that he taught me to enjoy the natural wonders of our world.


  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

Yellowstone. Nature.

Rebekah Cowan

  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

Ireland. Dublin specifically. Gorgeous city

Brittany moran

  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

New Smyrna Beach in FL where my husband and I got married on the Canaveral beach! It rained all day until an hour before our wedding and made for a beautiful ceremony.

Heather Foster

  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

I’d have to say either Nashville, Tennesse at christmas time, or Corpus Christi in the summer. Both were beautiful, but Nashville had that christmas magic that made it sparkle.

Trisha Crawford

  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

Zermatt Switzerland, Jan 2001. I went skiing for the first time there. There were castles in the side of mountains on the bus ride there. The beauty of the majestic mountains (including the Matterhorn), snow, and cool bulidings in the mountain town took my breath away. It was really neat. I was in the Air Force at the time on leave.

Amista Phillips

  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

I went to Hawaii while I was in the Navy. Before we got to the island I got to see rainbows in a full circle, and hundreds of dolphins out in the ocean.

Gina D

  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

I watched the sunrise in Arkansas in the fall and all of the trees looked like they were glowing red and orange! And I was with my family without any electronics. It was just us and the mountains. Sooo peaceful!


  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

Definitely Istanbul! There’s something so magical about that city, plus it was the first place my husband and I traveled together to when we were dating. It’s one of my favorite cities I’ve ever been to. Visiting Ireland was a close second!

Aly P

  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

I always wanted to visit London and it was dreamy!


  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

New Zealand, it was really special because I got to go with my mom and grandmother and we hardly get to do anything together.

Kay Mansfield

  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

hocking hills area in Ohio. all the rock formations and water falls were so beautiful and awesome.

Rex Anne

  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

When I first traveled Europe as a teenager. After which, I was happy with everything I had because I have my family. It made me appreciate other cultures and languages. But ultimately, I love Texas.

Lindsey Bryant

  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

my husband and I won a cruise that we took on our honeymoon. it was beautiful even if we did end up looking like lobsters, lol

Nichole B

  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

I would have to say my husband’s and my anniversary to to Disney. I had always wanted to go and we saved for several years to make those special memories. Couldn’t of been better.

LeeAnn De La Cruz

  on October 28, 2017 : Reply

I live in Texas and we love visiting the hill country in Winter. It looks amazing and it’s always colder than South Texas. We’ve made Christmas memories there and that makes it more special.

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