Update on SEA KING


As some of you may be aware, I have been dealing with a number of personal and health-related issues over the last year that have delayed the completion of my next book, THE SEA KING, my second Weathermages of Mystral novel. I hope to have a completed manuscript by the end of this month. I do not currently have a publication date for the book, but will post the news to my website, FB, and twitter as soon as I do.

To all my readers who have been patiently waiting for this book, thank you so much for your continued support and patience. I appreciate it more than I can say. In addition to THE SEA KING, I have plotted and begun work on two other Mystral novels, to complete the Seasons of Summerlea trilogy. More news on those later.  They are still in very early stages.

For those of you who have been waiting so patiently for my next Fading Lands novel (Bel’s book), rest assured, I am continuing to work on it and other Fading Lands stories.  I hope to bring them to you as soon as I possibly can.

Please check back for updates.

UPDATE (February 2017).  I finished the SEA KING manuscript  and am waiting on a publication date from my publisher.  Will announce the new date when I have it.

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Jacqui Bryce

  on September 30, 2018 : Reply

I absolutely adore your books. I basically haven’t worked for the past two weeks because I’ve been reading all your books. Shhh, I lock myself in my office. I’m just curious about Gealen and if he will have his own story and if it will have anything at all to do with Melliandra? Thank you so much for these incredible characters and stories.

Jo Cox

  on July 25, 2018 : Reply

I have just read… and re-read The Sea King. I hope and trust that sometime in the future we hear what happens to the princesses,Spring and Autumn. I have a weakness for lesser characters and I have been worrying about Ari. He is now hideously scarred. Wouldn’t it be great if he ended up with the most beautiful princess. He deserves her.

Linda Sedlak

  on February 26, 2018 : Reply

LOVE LOVE LOVE every book, every story, and I hardly missed sleeping so that I could re-re-re-re-read the series again. Who needs sleep anyway? Love ya’ Cheryl:)

Dana Ellis

  on July 14, 2017 : Reply

I have a read your tairen series multiple times is there any chance that you are going to let us know what happened to the Twins and the little girl from Eld

C.L. Wilson

  on July 26, 2017

Eventually, yes 🙂 I’m working on numerous Fading Lands stories at the moment, along with more Mystral stories.


  on May 28, 2017 : Reply

Will there be more books from the Fading Lands ?

C.L. Wilson

  on June 5, 2017

Yes, there will be. I’m working on three different FL stories right now.


  on May 14, 2017 : Reply

I just wanted to say hope you are doing well, and that your health is better.
My thoughts and well wishes are with you and yours.
Thank you so much for such wonderful work.

C.L. Wilson

  on May 16, 2017

Thanks so much. I really appreciate the kind thoughts, and I am doing better, thanks 🙂


  on March 20, 2017 : Reply

Love, love the Fading Lands Series. Started my 3rd time reading them. They are a work of art. Thank you for writing them. Please take care of yourself!

Wendy Toth

  on February 21, 2017 : Reply

thanks for the update glad you are feeling better cant wait for the book

Jori Gutierrez

  on February 13, 2017 : Reply

Hi! I was wondering if you have a release date for “The Sea King”, yet?

C.L. Wilson

  on February 14, 2017

I do!!!!! November 2017!! Squeee!!!


  on February 13, 2017 : Reply

Thanks for the update! I can’t wait for this book to be released. Take care.

Josephine Coleman

  on February 8, 2017 : Reply

Oh, how I’ve missed you! I am waiting ever so patiently for “The Sea King!!!! Please convey this sentence to your publisher: ” Hurry up already and get The Sea King out there for her fans to devour, and be in heaven reading every word and searing it to their hearts.” There Cheryl, do you think they will listen to little ole me! Hee, hee! (: I am one of your many fans, and I really do mean every word I said to the publisher. You and all of your books are a balm to my heart and especially my soul! I absolutely do not mind the wait for what I know will be a most excellent book. Just know to me that you are loved for just being yourself, not as only my favorite author! 💗 Peace and much love to you and your ever so patient and loving family. Love you Cheryl!

C.L. Wilson

  on February 12, 2017

LOL. Big hugs, Josephine! I appreciate the support! SEA KING is done. I’m just waiting on a publication date before I can say definitively when it will be out.


  on February 7, 2017 : Reply

Is there any new update for the sea king?
I’m really looking forward to it. Though I hope mrs. Wilson has been improving health wise.

C.L. Wilson

  on February 12, 2017

There is…I finished the book. My editor “loves it” (so, yay!). I’m waiting on a new publication date before I can announce anything more.


  on February 7, 2017 : Reply

Love your books

Murlene Mibenge

  on February 6, 2017 : Reply

My very best wishes go to you and yours. I hope your health is on better footing. Take your time writing those books. Your health and well being are much more important. I would like to say that I have been reading novels since I was 11 years old, I’m 34 now. I have never been so blown away by a novel until yours. You may be new at this but you are a force to be reckoned without question. I have read the fading lands novels and the weathermage book. I am so thirsty for your next book but I can wait patiently.

C.L. Wilson

  on February 12, 2017

Thanks so much! I truly appreciate it. xoxo


  on February 3, 2017 : Reply

My Prayers to you and the wonderful gift that you have given your readers. I am a fan and look forward to a long relationship with your books. God Bless and Be Well!

C.L. Wilson

  on February 12, 2017

Thanks so much, nilda!

Linda Sedlak

  on February 3, 2017 : Reply

I “discovered” you and your fabulous stories from the very beginning. I am so proud of you and the amazing stories you write that pulls the reader into the adventure so deeply many of us lose sleep because we cannot stop reading 🙂
As always. love and hugs from an early fan…Linda Sedlak aka Sweetsusiq2 or Susiq2. I so hope that you remember me!

C.L. Wilson

  on February 12, 2017

Thanks so much, Linda!

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