Update on SEA KING


As some of you may be aware, I have been dealing with a number of personal and health-related issues over the last year that have delayed the completion of my next book, THE SEA KING, my second Weathermages of Mystral novel. I hope to have a completed manuscript by the end of this month. I do not currently have a publication date for the book, but will post the news to my website, FB, and twitter as soon as I do.

To all my readers who have been patiently waiting for this book, thank you so much for your continued support and patience. I appreciate it more than I can say. In addition to THE SEA KING, I have plotted and begun work on two other Mystral novels, to complete the Seasons of Summerlea trilogy. More news on those later.  They are still in very early stages.

For those of you who have been waiting so patiently for my next Fading Lands novel (Bel’s book), rest assured, I am continuing to work on it and other Fading Lands stories.  I hope to bring them to you as soon as I possibly can.

Please check back for updates.

UPDATE (February 2017).  I finished the SEA KING manuscript  and am waiting on a publication date from my publisher.  Will announce the new date when I have it.

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Linda Sedlak

  on February 3, 2017 : Reply

I have LOVED every book, every short or long story, and will always be first in line to purchase anything you publish! Hugs and love as always from one of your first reviewers…Linda Sedlak

C.L. Wilson

  on February 12, 2017

Thanks so much, Linda!


  on January 27, 2017 : Reply

Any update on the new release date??

C.L. Wilson

  on January 30, 2017

I’m still waiting on my publisher. I turned in the book 3 months ago.

Sophie Blackman

  on January 6, 2017 : Reply

I red your book “The Winter King” and I loved it. Never red a book like this before. I hope your next Mystral-book “The sea king” comes out, I´m really looking forward to it. Can´t wait to read it!

adrianne robinson

  on January 1, 2017 : Reply

take all the time you need! love your books and can’t wait to read the next installment 🙂

C.L. Wilson

  on January 30, 2017

Thanks Adrianne!

Robin Crittendon

  on December 29, 2016 : Reply

I can not find the Sea King in any book stores. But I have read the Tairen Soul’s books and loved them very much. And The Winter King and love it just as much. Can’t wait to read the Sea King.!!!🤗

C.L. Wilson

  on January 30, 2017

Sea King is not out yet. I have completed the manuscript, though, and I’m waiting on a release date from the publisher.

Marr Repetto

  on December 27, 2016 : Reply

Patiently waiting for the Sea King. Just bought your Tairen Soul books – all of them. I normally would have finished them in a few days but I find the second book suspensful so I have to put it down before for a few minutes then read again. You are a master story teller. Happy holidays to you and yours.

C.L. Wilson

  on December 28, 2016

Thanks so much!


  on December 27, 2016 : Reply

You can’t rush perfection! I am so glad that I found your books. I burned through the Tairen Soul series and the Winter King in less than a month, and I am looking forward to the Sea King. You are a wonderful author!

C.L. Wilson

  on December 28, 2016

Thanks so much!

Kayla babs

  on December 27, 2016 : Reply

I have been a fan for years. You probably recognise my name. Been on your yahoo fan groups for years.

I love my fey tales I have re read the books over and over again. That I had to purchase it on kindle and in paperback form again.

I hope you find the inspiration and the time to write again.

Your books were one of the first fantasy romance that I have read. I haven’t read another one like yours since.

I recently found a partner. Between me and you. When I fell in love with him. The words rain said Ellie were in my head.

You made me believe in love. I fell in love with the characters. Especially the quintet.

Enough of my rambling. I just wanted to post this to let you know that you are missed. Regardless of what you have going on. Your fan base is always here for you.

Have a merry Christmas and I hope the new year will bring you more happiness.

Xx kayla (First blade of the earth lands)

C.L. Wilson

  on December 28, 2016

Thanks so much, Kayla! I hope you had a fabulous holidays filled with love and laughter, friends and family! xoxo


  on December 21, 2016 : Reply

Your books are always well worth the wait!!
And to this day your still the only author that has ever written me back and it wasn’t just some generic email either it was a genuine sent one; I have that email from you printed and saved with my Tarien Soul books – It meant a great deal you took the time to do that! I was having a very rough time at college when I had sent that email and getting that unexpected reply just meant the world to me at the time; thank you! 🙂

C.L. Wilson

  on December 23, 2016

Thanks so much, Danielle. And I’m so happy my email helped lift your spirits 🙂 We all need that from time to time. xoxo

Jade Canery

  on December 15, 2016 : Reply

I just discovered your books recently and I have devoured them, I am SO excited to see that a sequel to Winter King is in progress as that was my introduction to your work! I just wanted to say thank you so much for devoting so much time and energy into developing these amazing worlds, it is so much fun to come home after a long day at work and lose myself in your writing. I will have my eye out for The Sea King!!

C.L. Wilson

  on December 23, 2016

Thanks so much, Jade. SEA KING is done and I’m just waiting on an official publication date. Hope to have an announcement soon.

Anne Ingram

  on December 15, 2016 : Reply

You have a gift. Your imaginative narratives, your engaging characters who overcome adversity have enveloped me and helped me through some difficult health challenges. Thank you.I hope that it will help you to know as you face your own life challenges that you are respected and esteemed as a writer. God bless you.

C.L. Wilson

  on December 23, 2016

Thanks so much, Anne. I really appreciate your kind words.

Annie Rivera

  on December 13, 2016 : Reply

I recently was suggested this series by goodreads. By chapter 2 i couldnt put it down!! I cant wait for the next one. Thank you for sharing this amazing new world!! In the mean time i am going to read some of your other works. Thank you again and i hope everything is better now!!

C.L. Wilson

  on December 23, 2016

YAY! Thanks so much!

Billie Rush

  on December 5, 2016 : Reply

I love your writing style and character design. I cannot wait for the Sea King. This Christmas I will be introducing your Tairen Soul series to my mother in law. She has always been an advocate for Sherilyn Kenyon, but I want to show her how much better your stories and characters are. I think she will love these stories as much as I do. I have actually reread your books multiple times. They are so amazing.

C.L. Wilson

  on December 23, 2016

I am waiting on an official pub date for SEA KING, so hope to be able to announce one soon. I hope your Mom enjoys the Tairen Soul series! 🙂


  on November 30, 2016 : Reply

I have read and reread The Winter King over and over again! And loved every stormy, weathery minute of it. I think i’ll burst with excitement when The Sea King comes out! Thank you for this epic series.
Love from Pakistan 😘

C.L. Wilson

  on December 23, 2016

Thanks so much, Soha!


  on November 28, 2016 : Reply

Thank you for your absolutely fabulous and dazzling books! I am an absolutely fantasy and sci-fi fanatic, but can honestly say I have not been so swept along in a book series as I have yours (both Tairen Soul and Mystral) in a long time!
Best of wishes for your recovering health!

C.L. Wilson

  on December 23, 2016

Thanks so much, Eva


  on November 22, 2016 : Reply

Your books are amazing!!! I’ve read the fading land series more than three time!!! I hope you write more about Ellie an Rain (and their feature kids!!!) And I would really want to know what happened to the other women that got pregnant due to Ellie’s magic. I think they should all have a connection to her!! ( That would be really interesting. And of course about her Fey parents, they need a book dedicated to them!!! Overall. I love your work!! Get well soon!!! xxx

C.L. Wilson

  on November 25, 2016

Thanks so much, Rachel 🙂 I am back to writing again and hope to have more books out soon.

J Owens

  on November 20, 2016 : Reply

Any new update on The Sea King?

C.L. Wilson

  on November 25, 2016

I hope to have news very soon.


  on November 10, 2016 : Reply

Oh Ms. Wilson, we will wait forever for your next novels! I loved the winter king, I adored Khamsin, and the length was perfect, as it was nice and long, and I never wanted it to end! When The Sea King comes out, I will buy it immediately and shut myself in my room to read it, probably to my husband’s and children’s dismay hahaha. I hope all is well with you, much love from one of your adoring fans! (Fan from Texas ❤)

C.L. Wilson

  on November 25, 2016

Thanks so much, Tanya! I hope to have news very soon.

Renee Weber

  on November 5, 2016 : Reply

keep me posted


  on October 28, 2016 : Reply

Will wait patiently for the Sea King – how exciting! Love this series especially how each book is its own complete story, so satisfying. Cheryl, do you have any favorite books/authors that you enjoy?

Hope you’re doing well! (fan from South Africa).

C.L. Wilson

  on October 28, 2016

Thanks so much! I have a ton of favorite authors including Christine Feehan, Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs, Kresley Cole, Nalini Singh, Sarah J. Maas, a new favorite, Amanda Bouchet, Lisa Kleypas, Jennifer Roberson, Terry Goodkind, Anne McCaffrey, David Gemmel (the late but always great), Jennifer Ashley, Darynda Jones, and Jeaniene Frost to name a few. (Yes, there is an overwhelming preponderance of fantasy/paranormal authors among my faves.)