Update on SEA KING


As some of you may be aware, I have been dealing with a number of personal and health-related issues over the last year that have delayed the completion of my next book, THE SEA KING, my second Weathermages of Mystral novel. I hope to have a completed manuscript by the end of this month. I do not currently have a publication date for the book, but will post the news to my website, FB, and twitter as soon as I do.

To all my readers who have been patiently waiting for this book, thank you so much for your continued support and patience. I appreciate it more than I can say. In addition to THE SEA KING, I have plotted and begun work on two other Mystral novels, to complete the Seasons of Summerlea trilogy. More news on those later.  They are still in very early stages.

For those of you who have been waiting so patiently for my next Fading Lands novel (Bel’s book), rest assured, I am continuing to work on it and other Fading Lands stories.  I hope to bring them to you as soon as I possibly can.

Please check back for updates.

UPDATE (February 2017).  I finished the SEA KING manuscript  and am waiting on a publication date from my publisher.  Will announce the new date when I have it.

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Susan Fox

  on October 21, 2016 : Reply

Cheryl, You have my full support. I wish you well and look forward to your next book. Always a fan. Susan


  on October 20, 2016 : Reply

I’ve recently discovered your books and am currently in love with them! Sharing them to everyone I know, even if most of them find the covers cheesy. Ha. I hope you’re feeling better. I’ve just finished The Winter King literally just now and I can’t can’t can’t wait for the sequel. I need more Keiran in my life too., so I hope for more Tairen Soul books to come as well.

Patiently waiting (from the Philippines),

K x

Joanna baker

  on October 16, 2016 : Reply

I love your books, I read the fading lands books while recovering from surgery. They kept me sane, I hope your doing good and look forward to reading the next books, I tell everyone about them.

Joanna baker

C.L. Wilson

  on October 20, 2016

thanks so much, Joanna!

Deepthi Nhattiala

  on October 14, 2016 : Reply

Dear Ms. Wilson,
I have thoroughly enjoyed all your books especially Tairen Soul series as well as The Winter King. You have an amazing ability to pull the reader into the books and live every emotionof the characters. Someday (hopefully soon) i hope to write a novel and my inspiration is you, truly.
May i ask when we can expect The Sea King? Also waiting for all other Fading land stories that you are yet to publish.

C.L. Wilson

  on October 20, 2016

Thanks so much Deepthi!

Carol Chin-Tai

  on October 13, 2016 : Reply

Ms. Wilson, just wanted you to know that I appreciate your mastery so much. I have read and rereat the fading land series and the winter king more times than I can recall. I am anxiously waiting for any of your releasesite in any series, especially, the sea king. Hope to see a little of wynter and storm with their babies in this series too. Hope all is well with you and please know that I am o e of your bigg5fans. You are absolutely amazing.

C.L. Wilson

  on October 20, 2016

Thanks so much, Carol!


  on October 3, 2016 : Reply

You have my best wishes that your health issues will be resolved. I check every so often on several authors with delayed books on the way, and I’m always just glad to hear they’re still on the way! And I’m delighted to know Bel’s book is in the works, I’m rereading the Tairen Soul novels this week and wondered if there would be more. So while I am looking forward to reading anything you print, I hope you know your fans value your health more than a speedy publication date, and thanks for letting us know your long-term plans.

C.L. Wilson

  on October 20, 2016

Thanks Heather! I finally have good news on my Fading Lands short story, so will be posting that soon. 🙂

linda rogers

  on September 29, 2016 : Reply

hope you are doing better, what ever happened to bels’ book from the tairen features series

C.L. Wilson

  on October 20, 2016

Hi Linda, I was working on Bel’s book when my publisher said they wanted SEA KING instead, so I switched gears and started working on that instead. I’m currently working to finish SEA KING, then it’s back to work on Bel’s book plus a couple of shorter works that I’ve been puttering with for a while.


  on September 7, 2016 : Reply

i looooved Winter king and your Tairen Soul series.
Hope u feel better soon take ypur time.. hehe but us fans are on pins for sea kinG!!!!!

Laura Makula

  on September 7, 2016 : Reply

I am so sorry to hear about your health! Thoughts are with you for a speedy recovery. We haven’t heard back from you in awhile, hope all is well.

Sherry Reese

  on August 31, 2016 : Reply

I am waiting to get the sea king, it has been published but not in stock anywhere. Can you help me to find a book store where I can buy it? Thank you

C.L. Wilson

  on October 20, 2016

Sherry, SEA KING has not been published. As I stated in my “Update on Sea King” blog, I’ve been dealing with personal and health issues that have taken me away from writing for a while. I am still working on it and do hope to have it finished soon. As soon as I do, I’ll announce it everywhere I can, including all my social media outlets and here on my website. Thanks!

Dianne Goeller

  on August 26, 2016 : Reply

Thank you for writing. I enjoy your books very much. Please take your time and attend to your personal affairs and health with less stress and no guilt. We will patiently await your wonderful creations!

Gerri B

  on August 24, 2016 : Reply

Hope you feel better. I just this week read “The Winter King” awesome book, this was my first book of yours that I read and will not be the last.

edie craig

  on August 15, 2016 : Reply

please update me when I can get the Sea King.

Caprice Whitmire

  on August 10, 2016 : Reply

I’m so sorry to hear that you are having health problems. I’m waiting patiently for all of the new books you are working on. I fell in love with your writing with the first Fading Lands book and own all of the books in Rain and Ellysetta’s story as well as The Winter King. I’ll continue to keep an eye out for upcoming books from you. In the meantime, I will be praying that your health improves and that you grow stronger each day.

Louella Tiitto

  on August 10, 2016 : Reply

May you get well soon and hope everything gets better for you and yours. Enjoy reading your books. They take me to another world and let all the problems of this one not worry me for awhile. Looking forward to when your next books are published. Take care of yourself first and get well soon looking forward to you writing for many more years to come.

K Findlay

  on August 8, 2016 : Reply

When life throws you lemons sometimes its fun to make lemonade

becky ramos

  on August 7, 2016 : Reply

I look forward to your new books please let me know when they are ready


  on August 4, 2016 : Reply

Aww I’m so sorry 🙁 I am still so excited for this book, I’ve been re-reading all your books, you are one of my most favorite authors and definitely my favorite romance author. You are so amazingly gifted. Hope you feel better soon!


  on August 2, 2016 : Reply

I’m sooo loving all of your books but your health is the most important. So take care and we will always support you no matter what.
I will patiently check Amazon for any release from you.
The best of luck for you

Evelyn Kasama

  on July 29, 2016 : Reply

I am a fan of the books that you write and enjoyed the fantasy setting and stories. I hope that you will recover and continue to write these wonderful fantasy. Good luck and hope that you recover soon.