DragonCon 2020 – Atlanta


At this time, I still intend to attend DragonCon. I haven’t been a guest the last few years; I’ve just been hosting my booth. That’s my plan again for this year. (God and COVID-19 providing.) And coolness! I’ve got some new authors joining me in the booth this year. Instead of looking to see who’s coming to DragonCon, I reached out to some of my favorite sci-fi/fantasy romance authors and invited them to join my booth. Will post the full list once all have confirmed.

September 3-7, 2020
Atlanta, GA

As always (pandemic safety permitting), I’ll be in Atlanta over Labor Day weekend for DragonCon.  I will be hosting the Tairen’s Lair & Author’s Lair booth in America’s Mart 2.  Come see me there!

Other authors joining me in my booth are:


See http://www.dragoncon.org for information on buying your con membership.